Tenny Charlesworth

green top                Who is Tenny?

Tenny is your life coach and trainer. She is a believer and a lover of life. She believes in you. So call her today.

getting the right support is essential to helping you achieve success

  • The second daughter of 11 children, she is a loving wife to a caring and kind hearted husband. She is a mother of two daughters, a grandmother to two adorable grand children and a respected friend to many who share her love of life, people and nature.
  • Born and raised in the beautiful island of Java, Indonesia. She withstood the culture shock and emotional demands of relocating to another country and migrated to Australia in 1984 after marrying her husband. She has now lived in Australia for 30 years and proudly calls Australia home.
  • She loves travelling and studying personal development and has dedicated her life to creating and sharing positive experiences with her family and friends.
  • Reading personal development books such as “The Magic of Thinking Big”, “Think and Grow Rich”, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, “How to Get a Bigger Bite Out of Life” is where she draws her inspiration to write for others and help them make their dreams a reality.

Remember who you are and you will always find your strength. Remember where you came from and you will never be lost.

Tenny writes from her own blog, i can do life coaching where you can find more about her life and reinforcing that can do attitude!